Over 7 years ago we had a vision for the Children of Romania. We knew that God wanted us to reach beyond our current ministries and embrace the children. He spoke to us to try and reach the poorest of poor children in the most remote and abandoned areas of South Romania. Since 2003, JMM has been offering Bible-based, Christian literature to qualified teachers and training them to begin sowing Jesus into the lives of these children. Christian summer camp Most of these children come from broken homes, often from gypsy families, and our goal has been to teach them the basics of reading and writing, and beyond that, Christian education. We began to sponsor and educated our teachers after learning that the local teachers were not able to help these children due to their own lack of education. The hard work of these precious teachers is already paying off! We have received numerous testimonies from both parents and teachers who have noticed a BIG improvement in the students’ reading, writing, Bible verse memorization and class interaction skills! We thank God for the progress and for our willing, trained staff who offer their time and effort to these under-privileged, precious children.
Moreover, our Ministry has been providing gifts at Christmastime since our Children’s Ministry was established in 2003. Each year thereafter, we have shared the story of Jesus Christ and handed out baggies of goodies to children who have never received a gift. Here in America our children wouldn’t dream of not having an ton of gifts at Christmas; these children have never received one. It has been so satisfying to see the smiles and tears of joy on the these little faces year after year; to see their eyes light up when you tell them just how much Jesus loves them. Mark 10:14 says, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God…whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. The children are our future. They are the men and women who will rise up to be spiritual leaders, political leaders, wives and husbands, parents and teachers.
Whatever you and I invest in a child today will come to the surface and determine how they will lead the future generations tomorrow. By partnering with JMM, you are helping to shape their futures and give them the eternal hope that they too can take into the world in years to come. We urge you to become a part of this Ministry. Every partner who sows into our ministries has just as much of a reward in the eyes of God as the ones who are physically going overseas
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. By sowing into the lives of these children, you are sowing into the lives of your own children. The word of God teaches us that whatever it is that we sow, we will indeed reap (see Gal. 6:7,9,10). When we sow Jesus, love, hope and happiness into these little lives, we are planting a seed into the lives of our loved ones. What a good feeling it is to know that by reaching out to others, we are establishing a foundation in our in own families and waiting for God to water our seed! We have been given the opportunity! Now the question is: what are doing with that opportunity? Get connected and start investing in these little souls today, for of such is the kingdom of God!