As we have entered into the New Year, we look back on 2009 and realize that it was full of great things. Not only for the Ministry but for our partners who were able to share in the giving and in reaping the blessings. We have not only seen God perform miracles for us here but also overseas
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. As you may already know, in 2009 we were able to spread the Gospel of Jesus oversea and in December we blessed the kids of Romania by giving them a toy to hold in their hands for Christmas! Because of YOU, 530 kids were able to hold a teddy bear, stuffed animals and candy in their hands. Above that, 96 families received basic food such as pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar and cooking oil, etc. Despite the weather being so bad and road conditions impossible to drive in, Claudia was able to accomplish her assignment to the very end.
As this year unfolds, please share your testimonies and prayer request. We want to stand with you as you have so faithfully stood with us. We look forward to rejoicing with you as our God moves on your behalf.
I was hungry and you gave Me food…I was thirty and you gave Me something to drink…I was naked and you clothed Me…I was sick and you visited Me with help and ministering care…I was in prison and you came to see Me…Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these, you did it for Me.” (Mathew 25:35-40)